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Research project

Problem-Driven approach

In recent years, thanks to the Industry 4.0 approach, the construction sector has also started digital transition processes towards data-driven production sectors. In particular, information management methodologies through Building Information Modeling (BIM) are supporting the use of big data produced in the various phases of the buildings life cycle, making it possible to experiment with Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the optimization of various analysis, simulation, predictive evaluation and decision-making processes, which concern the quality of the built environment. The operation phase of a real estate asset involves approximately 80% of the total investment and management costs throughout the entire life cycle of the building and the management and monitoring activities of spaces, building components and systems play a decisive role in guaranteeing the well-being and health of users. In Facility Management (FM) the availability of reliable and real-time updated databases on physical assets becomes a central issue in order to plan effective control, maintenance and evaluation actions of interventions in ordinary and/or emergency phases. In fact, the data flow coming from sensors - Internet of Things (IoT) - located inside buildings for real-time monitoring of the environmental quality of spaces and the performance levels of building components and systems, if appropriately integrated with the information structured within asset BIM models, it can offer a consistent data base to achieve these objectives. The integration between BIM and IoT therefore involves the creation of Digital Twins (DT) of real estate assets enabled to plan management strategies for the operational phases (maintenance and operation), generate content, recommendations, best practices and formulate forecasts on managed assets. The expected results of the research concern the optimization of the integration processes between BIM-based systems and IoT with particular reference to the problems of interoperability and exchange of data sets between software in the creation of DT, allowing facility managers to easily use and interpret the data also collected through forms of visualization in Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) environments based on BIM platforms.


Informative Models of Assets (AIM) of the Real Estate Assets of the University of Florence.

The scope of the research is the real estate assets of the University of Florence managed by the Building Area - Management and Adaptation of Real Estate Assets - made up of 143 buildings for a total of approximately XXX m2 of gross floor area, having different characteristics both under the functional, construction, plant ones, etc., and for historical-architectural value. The facilities hold, in addition to the rooms dedicated to teaching and administrative functions, also, and above all, hundreds of laboratories dealing with research and experimentation with a significant park of very expensive and extremely delicate specialist equipment. Such a heterogeneous portfolio of assets implies the application of very different methodologies and maintenance systems. For this reason, the University of Florence has already been equipped for some years with an IT tool dedicated to the management of its real estate assets, namely Infocad.FM of Descor s.r.l. The cornerstone of this platform is the Technical Record, centralized and standardized, where all the information comes together (documents, technical data sheets, CAD plans, photos, etc.) used by those who interact in various capacities with the properties; each building is also accompanied by the relevant patrimonial and urban planning documentation (land registry extracts, property titles, rental contracts, etc.). Also in light of recent regulations on public contracts, it is necessary to move towards more advanced information management, which uses BIM tools and methodologies, so that data and information on the building are produced, managed, stored and exchanged in a secure manner, reliable and consistent. In this, the creation of Digital Twin (DT) of building assets will be able to enhance predictive capabilities in the field of Facility Management.


Conceptual Framework of the Problem-Driven Theme in the Research Project.

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